Special Offers Get the most out your Office 365 – Free 45 Day Trial of QuickHelp

91 % of Fortune 100 companies are using Office 365 Teams. Why aren’t you?

The sad fact is most SMEs are not utilising their Office 365 platform to its full potential due to a lack of training and understanding.

Many are paying for programs that aren’t being used and if adopted could be a game-changer for the way SME businesses work.

Red Rhombus has recently partnered with BrainStorm, a leader in end-user adoption and training specialising in changing the way users work. We now have the ability to provide all ShireWomen businesses using Office 365 with a free, 45-day trial of their QuickHelp learning platform.

The QuickHelp platform, helps users understand and utilise their Office 365 software better through:

  • An on-demand library of learning content
  • Searchable and sharable videos
  • Topics focusing on specific applications and soft skills
  • PDF guides to support different learning styles
  • Assessments to reinforce and test learning
  • Ability to upload custom, proprietary content

If you are interested in jumping in and getting your team set up with the training they need to save time, be more productive and all-round more confident with the programs they are using, then please contact Bridget Costelloe on 0410 551 717 or bridget.costelloe@redrhombus.com.au
