Lifestyle Rainwater Tanks – A sensible investment in a volatile climate

Rainwater Tanks A sensible investment in a volatile climate

With the lack of rain over the past few years, you wouldn’t be alone in thinking about installing that water tank you always thought you’d get around to, but never did.

Even though water restrictions were lifted on 1st March, experts say that droughts will be ever-increasing and more prolonged in the coming years, so it is important to think about conserving water and using any rainwater we’re blessed with, wisely.

We’re seeing an increase in Rainwater Tank demand

Water tank installations have increased over the past few months and during this process, we realised that similar questions were being asked by many of our clients, so we have collated the most popular queries for you below.

What are the benefits of a Rainwater tank?

While it might be obvious that conserving water is a benefit, there are some benefits that you may not have thought about.

  1. The first and more obvious is that you can reduce your water bills. Even if you only use your water tank for watering your garden this is a significant saving v’s using mains water.
  1. During water restrictions, you can use rainwater to maintain your plants, grass and trees on your property. Having an adequately watered garden has the benefits of:
    • sustaining and feeding native birds, possums and insects which is especially important during a drought
    • acting as a firebreak against some bushfires. Properly watered gardens and maintained lawns can stop fire spreading.
    • allowing the soil to absorb water-reducing run-offs during torrential rains and storms. Much of the flooding we’ve seen recently has been due to the soil being so dry it couldn’t absorb water. Runoffs carried debris into drains, blocking them and causing flooding.
    • helping our environment. Healthy trees and plants absorb more Co2.
  1. By collecting and reusing rainwater, you are actively helping our environment and are reducing the demand on our water supply.

What can Rainwater be used for?

Un-filtered rainwater can be used for watering gardens and toilet flushing, but it is recommended that you install a filter should you wish to use rainwater in your dishwasher, showers, or drinking supply. It is of vital importance that if you do use rainwater for drinking, that you check your rainwater system monthly to ensure seals are maintained and leaf-shedding rain heads are maintained.

How does a Rainwater Tank System work?

It is important to understand that a rainwater tank system includes several components in addition to the tank itself. You must have a roof that is made of material that won’t contaminate your water supply, as well as leaf and gutter guards, a leaf shedding rain head, a strainer basket at the top of your tank, a first flush diverter, a pump, a switch over controller triggered by a float switch in the tank (for backup should your supply deplete), plus a pressure pump.

When water is needed within the house, a pump assists in moving the water from the tank through a filter and into the appliance outlet. When the tank is empty, the system will switch over to mains water so that you don’t have an interrupted supply.

Are there any health risks?

Poorly maintained rainwater tanks can pose a health risk, but well-maintained tanks with a filter pose minimal risks.

Protecting your water supply is really and truly in your hands! If gutter guards, leaf shedding rain heads and strainer baskets are not regularly maintained, or they become damaged, animal faeces and other contaminants can wash straight into your tank from your roof. As these contaminants sit in the water, bacteria and microbes can breed resulting in gastro for those who consume the water. In addition, if mosquitoes get into the water, they will breed and spread infectious diseases. Those who have a compromised immune system should speak to their Doctor before drinking rainwater as they may need to take additional measures such as boiling water before consuming it.

You should also be aware that the Australian water supply contains fluoride which brings health benefits especially to children. If you use rainwater for drinking, you should talk to your dentist, as fluoride treatments may be required to maintain your dental health.

 It is important to note that if you are concerned about drinking rainwater, you can have your system set up so that water for drinking is connected to the main water supply, and rainwater can be used for watering your garden and toilet flushing only. This is something we can work out with you in the quoting process.

How do you maintain your Rain Water System?

Each month check your leaf guards, leaf shedding heads, strainer baskets, and inlet screens on the top of your tank. Most issues with contaminated water could have been prevented with proper maintenance.

Every year have your gutters and pipes cleaned, and every 3 5 years have the sediment cleaned out of the bottom of your tank.

We offer annual services to ensure that your tanks are running smoothly. Feel free to contact us to book a service here.

In Conclusion

Rainwater tanks are an excellent way to do your bit for the environment and save money. Even if you install a tank for the purposes of watering your garden only, this could save you thousands of dollars in water bills, as well as sustaining food supplies for native birds and animals during a drought.

If you’d like us to come out and assess your property suitability for a Rainwater Tank System, get in touch with us today at
